jueves, 19 de enero de 2006
Ya no quiero pensar mucho en las cosas. Simplemente las haré, y se acabó. Al que no le gusta se va.
domingo, 1 de enero de 2006
Happy New Year!
Just A Shit That I Wrote Today Night.

Siempre me pasa lo mismo y siempre escribo lo mismo. ¿Por qué la gente se va justo cuando más la necesito?. ¿Por qué elijen el peor momento para hacer cosas que deberían haber hecho hace mucho?. ¿Por qué siempre se repite esta misma historia?.
¿Por qué me siento tan sola?.
I don't know really, I just wanna live in the way that don't disturb anybody around me. But, NO. There's someone always making your life like a piece of shit, are they?. Why?. Why there's always someone to hate, someone to love, or simply, someone to share?. Why we aren't alone in this fucking world?. Why there's always someone to give and take love or just friendship?. Does anybody know the answers? Cause I don't know them. Are so slipperies, even more than the love, and it is also denied to me, most of the times.
And that is the other thing of this shit.
That miserable but necesary feeling.
It start with a little stomachache.
Then, comes a little bit of... how they call it?,
aw: "cloud-walking" they say,
I call it "been in the heaven" or "been in trance".
And then, comes the worst thing that you never imagine:
your mind is totally taken by this person,
and he (or she) never goes out from there.
You passes the rest of the day, week or month,
thinking about this person, and believe you,
no one is capable to take you off that kind of thoughts,
no one exept the person that you are thinking about.
So, dear friends: Love, it's a terrible and wonderful feeling,
hard to handle, that's no doubt about that,
but it could be very beautiful when it's correspond.
Don't be silly, just think in the happiness of the person you loved.
And if he (or she) is happy with other person, don't worry,
just think that will be his (or her) happines all that matters,
and that it is the most important thing of what love is made of:
to want that the person you loves be happy, wherever, whoever and whenever he (or she) is.
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